Mass Effect Flux Casino Quest

At the back of the Flux casino there are gambling machines (C4-1). At the end of the room there is one which seems suspicious. After examining it you'll find out that it has been reprogrammed in order to transfer money to someone's account. Activate signal tracking - it. 7 - Flux Casino Doran's casino is filled with both low and high stakes Quasar machines. If you'd like to do a little gambling, you'll just have to fork over the 20 credits (low stakes) or 200 credits (high stakes) for each try of your luck. The idea is to get a number as close to 20 as possible without going over.

3.11. Rita's Sister

At the bar in club Flux you'll meet waitress named Rita (C4-2). She's unhappy about her sister Jenna working as secret C-Sec informant in Chora's Den (C6-1). If her employers found out about her activity, they would surely kill her. Rita will ask you to talk sense into Jenna.

Mass Effect Quest Order

Jenna stands behind the bar in Chora's Den (C6-1). Talk to her just to find out that she don't want to hear preaching.

On your way out you'll meet Chellick who will whisper in your ear some interesting information. If you want to help, meet him at the C-Sec Academy.

Go to the C-Sec Academy (C3-1) and talk with Chellick. You'll learn that Jenna is working on a serious case and if you want to save her from danger, you'll have to play agent yourself. You could try to persuade Chellick (charm/intimidation), that he doesn't need Jenna or take the assignment.

If you choose the latter possibility, you must pass yourself as buyer and get weapon from the trader named Jax on the Lower Markets (C6-3).

Buy the weapon and bring it to Chellick (C3-1). This way Jenna could still work and the mission is completed.

3.12. Unusual Readings [Uncharted world]

Examine the ambassador's Udina computer (C1-1) to receive an assignment about some unusual energy readings detected in the Argos Rho cluster (system Hydra). Go there and check it by yourself (

3.13. Homecoming

After rescuing Tali and leaving the embassy (3.1. Expose Saren), you'll be accosted by Samesh Batia. His wife was killed on Eden Prime and the Alliance doesn't want to return him her body. He'll ask you to convince Mr. Bosker, who is in charge of this case, to let him bury his wife appropriately. Bosker is in embassy lounge (C1-3).

You can use charm/intimidation to convince him to return the body. There's also another way to complete this assignment. After speaking with Bosker, you can tell Samesh why Alliance needs body of his wife. If you uses charm, he'll understand it. It's good to have Ashley in your squad then.

3.14. Schells the Gambler

While visiting Flux once again (after finishing 3.11. Rita's sister) you'll witness a scene: security guards throws Schells out of the club. Talk with him (C4-3) to find out that he's working on developing a device that can be used to cheat at Quasar. He'll ask you to help him by using the device to win five more games for him. You can take the device and win several times at the casino (C4-1) (but no more than seven or else the owner will become suspicious and throw you out). Then give the device back to Schells. This way you'll gain some renegade points. If you want to play as paragon, take the device as well, but speak with the owner (C4-1) and give it to him.

3.15. Jahleed's Fears

In the C-Sec waiting room (C3-2) you'll overhear an interesting conversation. When it will be over, you can talk with Jahleed to learn the details. This way you'll get another assignment. You need to find out whether Chorban is in fact after Jahleed. You should speak with Chorban who is on the lower markets (C6-3).

It will turn out that this is the same alien who asked you to scan the keepers. If you took assignment 3.7. Scan the Keepers earlier, he'll tell you that Jahleed is needed to analyze data which you'll collect. If you decide to help, you'll have to return to Jahleed and tell him about everything. When he'll find out that he has more accomplices, he'll decide to forget a grudge against Chorban.

If you didn't speak with Chorban before (3.7. Scan the Keepers), you must be ready to fight. Only after killing his bodyguards you could learn the truth.

Hint! If you didn't scan all keepers to this moment (3.7. Scan the Keepers), you can still do it, but you'll gain renegade points. Paragons should resign or finish the assignment earlier.

3.16. Missing Survey Team [Uncharted world]

After gaining Spectre status (3.1. Expose Saren), while riding the elevator you'll hear a radio Messager about a survey team missed in Hades Gamma luster. You should find out what happened with them (

3.17. Hostile Takeover [Uncharted world]

After gaining Spectre status (3.1. Expose Saren), in front of the entrance to Emporium (C1-8) you'll meet Helena Blake (C1-9). She'll ask you to help removing two fellow leaders of a galactic crime syndicate. They both stay in their well-guarded seats on distant planets (, After killing them, you should go to Blake's hideout (

Hint! If you play as paragon, you should refuse her. Blake will give you coordinates nevertheless and you will gain some morality points.

3.18. Presidium Prophet

A hanar evangelist is arguing with a C-Sec Officer on the Presidium near the elevator to the Wards access corridor (C1-10). Talk with them to find out that the alien is a prophet who tries to disseminate his beliefs in public without permission. Your task is simple: you need to convince hanar or officer to stop arguing. Use charm/intimidation here.

3.19. Doctor Michel

After rescuing Tali (3.1. Expose Saren), go to the medical clinic (C7-1) again just to find out that dr. Michel is being blackmailed. Offer her your help. You need to go to the lower markets and speak with trader named Morlan (C6-S).

When you'll tell him that you're here because of dr. Michel, hired krogan will appear. You can use charm/intimidation to convince him to stop bother her or fight him. The latter possibility won't give you any paragon/renegade points though.

Mass Effect Side Quests

Return to dr. Michel (C7-1) and tell her that she doesn't need to worry any more. You can also ask her about Banes (the krogan mentioned his name). Dr. Michel will tell you that he took some military assignment. Captain Anderson knows the details (you can find him at the docks), but he'll send you to admiral Kahoku (C2-4). He'll give you another assignment (3.20. Missing marines). If you're not interested in Banes story, you can go to Kahoku right away; the effect will be the same.

3.20. Missing Marines [Uncharted world]

After gaining Spectre status (3.1. Expose Saren), you'll meet admiral Kahoku in the Tower (C2-4). He sent a recon team to the system where Banes was found to scout the region. This team has gone missing and Kahoku needs your help to find them. You should seek in Artemis Tau cluster, Sparta system (

After completing the assignment return to admiral to give him information about his soldiers.

Hint! This quest will let you take Cerberus ( assignment.

3.21. Privateers [Uncharted world]

After gaining Spectre status (3.1. Expose Saren), you'll meet man named Garoth in the Tower (C2-3). If asked, he'll inform you that his brother has gone missing in the Horse Head Nebula Strenuus system, planet Xawin ( Offer him your help.

After completing the assignment return to Garoth to give him information about his brother.

3.22. Hostage [Uncharted world]

After convincing the council of Saren's guilt (3.1. Expose Saren), while riding the elevator you'll learn that Chairman Burns has been kidnapped by biotic extremists. Head to the Farinata system in the Hades Gamma cluster and search for the MSV Ontario (

When Garrus will join your squad (3.2. Garrus), you'll find out than Fist, thug hired by Saren, and mysterious quarian, who has some information about geths, are supposed to meet. Of course you need to find Fist and wring everything he knows of him. According to Garrus, you'll find him in Chora's Den. Before you go there, take the opportunity to gain another ally, Wrex (3.3.Wrex).

Fist's thugs will be waiting for you in the bar (C6-1). Eliminate them and head to the room inside (C6-2). Two storehouse workers will be waiting for you behind the doors. You can kill them or use charm/intimidation to make them run away - your choice. Then you'll meet Fist himself. He'll be hiding behind the desk and he'll activate two turrets. You can easily put them down using overload.

Now you can question Fist. You'll find out that he set a trap for quarian and she'll be soon dead unless you hurry. You have four minutes to save her.

Hint! In this place you can also find optic disk which will be required to complete mission 3.9. Reporter's Request. If you haven't spoken to her yet, picking it up is tantamount to taking this mission.

Return to Chora's Den main room (C6-1) and eliminate the enemies. Then head fast to the alleyway in Upper Ward (C7-4), kill all opponents and speak with Tali.

You'll be moved to the ambassador Udina office (C1-1). Thanks to Tali, things will change for better. You now have proof which will make council to be more favorable for you. Tali will ask whether she could join your squad. Say yes and you'll gain a great technician.

Meet with the council again. Before entering the Tower (C1-B), speak with captain Anderson and go inside with him. After examining the evidences, members of the council will change their mind about Saren. You will get a new function and your mission will be to catch ex-Spectre.

Before going on the mission, you'll need to meet ambassador Udina at the docks (C8). You'll be told that captain Anderson handed you over command of Normandy. We'll also learn about three trails which may lead you to Saren. The first one is in Artemis Tau, the second on Feros and the third on Noveria. Which order you'll choose, it's up to you.

3.2. Garrus

The whereabouts of Garrus should be known by Harkin, but he's suspended and spends all day in Chora's Den (C6-1).

After getting there you'll be attacked by hired thugs. Eliminate them and go inside. You'll witness a scene in which you'll see krogan Wrex for the first time. Find Harkin and talk with him. You'll learn a few things about Anderson's past and Garrus whereabouts. You'll find him in Upper Ward, in medical clinic (C7-1).

You must eliminate enemies there and talk with Garrus, who helped you with that. The thugs were hired by Fist, who stays at Chora's Den (C6-1) and is Saren's henchman. Before you go there (together as a team now), Garrus proposes to ask another ally to join your squad - Wrex (3.3. Wrex).

3.3. Wrex

While speaking with Garrus in the medical clinic (3.2. Garrus), you'll learn that krogan battle master Wrex has a score to settle with Fist. It seems you can gain another ally. He's now being questioned in C-Sec Academy (C3-3). You'll find him there. Speak with him and he'll gladly join you.

3.4. Xeltan's Complaint

Near ambassador Udina office (C1-1), you'll find volus and elcorian office (C1-2). Go inside and talk with Xeltan. He's troubled because of Sha'ira.

Her chamber (C1-7) is situated near the Presidium financial district. By the entrance stands Nelyna. Talk to her trying to make an appointment with Sha'ira. After the conversation, the consort herself will contact acolyte and grants the permission for you to enter. It looks like Sha'ira has an assignment for you (3.5. Asari Consort). Only after completing it she will speak with you again.

After meeting with general and making him change his mind (3.5. Asari Consort), he'll propose you an assignment. When you'll take it, you'll receive an evidence which will make Xeltan's day. You just need to return back to his office (C1-2) and show him the object.

3.5. Asari Consort

After speaking with Sha'ira (3.4. Xeltan's Complaint), you'll get an assignment to convince general Septimus not to spread rumors about her. Septimus is in Nora's Den (C6-1). You could ask acolyte Nelyna about him; she stands near the entrance to consort chamber (C1-7).

General Septimus sits in the corner of Chora's Den (C6-1). He won't be eager to change his mind easily, but few matter-of-fact arguments (or charm/intimidation talent) will work. After convincing him to stop being cross, he'll propose us a little job (3.4. Xeltan's Complaint).

To finish this mission, you just need to speak with Sha'ira who stays in her chamber (C1-7).

3.6. Strange Transmission (Major Kyle) [Uncharted world]

In C-Sec Headquarters (C1-4), on the table near the executor's Pallin desk, stands a console. After hacking into it you'll find a message from Alliance Command about a group of biotic cultists led by a former Alliance soldier. It is situated in the Century system in the Hawking Eta cluster.

It looks like their seat is on Presrop (

3.7. Scan the Keepers

After talking with the council (3.1. Expose Saren), go downstairs. You'll perceive an alien tampering with one of the keepers. Talk with him (his name is Chorban) and agree to help him (C2-2). He'll give you a small scanner which should be used to examine all keepers in Citadel (21). Their positions are marked on maps with symbol 'O'.

3.8. The Fan

On the Upper Markets you'll be accosted by a man named Conrad Verner (C7-3), who is your fan. He'll ask for your autograph. The rest of this quest could be done later, when you'll land on Citadel again.

3.9. Reporter's Request

On the Upper Ward some woman will be shouting at you (C7-2). It's Emily Wong, reporter. She'll ask for your help with finding evidences of corruption in Citadel.

After defeating Fist (3.1. Expose Saren), you'll find in his office (C6-2) an optical disc. It stores data which may be useful for Ms. Wong. Go to the Upper Ward and give the disc to the reporter (C7-2). During the conversation you can also offer her further cooperation and promise to give an interview after finishing the investigation.

3.10. Signal Tracing

At the back of the Flux casino there are gambling machines (C4-1). At the end of the room there is one which seems suspicious. After examining it you'll find out that it has been reprogrammed in order to transfer money to someone's account. Activate signal tracking - it comes from the Wards access corridor (C5-4).

Go there and examine the terminal (C5-4) to learn that money is being transferred from Presidium financial district. The signal will lead you to the bank (C1-5). There you'll find out that the source is situated behind Emporium (C1-6).

That's a rogue AI who's transfering the money. It threatens to activate autodestruction which will destroy everyone in the room. When you'll want to finish the conversation, countdown will begin. Your task is to guess the abort sequence. You can use trial and error method. Remember, that after each error the sequence resets. The right pick is marked by green color, the wrong one by red. If you're lazy, here's the right combination: YXYAXAA.

Mass Effect Quest List


Mass Effect Quest Guide

Another way to get rid of the AI is to destroy the terminal, but it will gain you less experience points.